
Push-up Counter FAQ

How do I use it?

Open the app, go to the exercise page, and place the phone flat on the floor. When your own body part is close to the distance sensor of the phone (next to the front camera), it will record that a push-up was done.

How do I turn off the sound?

At the bottom of the exercise page, there is a sound button, click on it to mute it.

Can I be reminded to exercise every day?

Yes, you can. There is a reminder setting in the settings. Once you open it, a message will be sent to you every day to remind you to exercise. The prerequisite is that you have to enable the notification permission for the app. Notification permissions are set in the system settings of your phone.

How do I sync my data in the cloud?

The data will be saved in your iCloud. You need to have a valid apple id account logged in on your phone and iCloud sync enabled, and the data will be saved in your iCloud.